
My next face masterclass!

I am so thrilled to announce the date for my next face masterclass!   – Wednesday 9th June at 7pm  My face masterclass sessions guide you through a face, neck & chest massage,  designed to leave you feeling relaxed and restored and have you looking rejuvenated, contoured and toned.  It’s a 45

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5 ways to improve your mood

It’s so easy to slip in to a low mood, what with everything going on at the moment. I personally have days where I’m really productive and feeling great, to days where my energy is low and I feel really sluggish. I want to share the things that help me

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Skincare during pregnancy

During pregnancy, your body goes through so many changes that can affect your skin.  When you’re thinking about skin changes during this time, it’s best to think In terms of trimesters as each trimester will alter your hormones and affect the skin differently – which can make choosing the right

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Which face oil is best suited to you?

Since starting up my YouTube channel just a few weeks ago, during our second lockdown, I have been asked this question so many times. So I thought I’d write a little blog to explain the benefits of the different plant-based oils. I highly recommend using natural, plant-based oils on the

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